Indiana Crop Update May 7, 2012

Warm temperatures and much needed rainfall spurred emergence and growth of field crops, according to the Indiana Field Office of USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service. Some areas received heavy precipitation leaving standing water in low lying areas. Planting continued but is no longer moving at a record pace. However, planting of corn is approximately 31 days ahead of last year and 24 days ahead of the 5-year average pace. Winter wheat yield potential has been reduced in many fields due to frost and dry conditions in March and April. Some wheat fields have already been destroyed and replanted to corn. The first cutting of hay crops continued with many dairies harvesting the crop as haylage.


There were 3.5 days suitable for field work during the week. Eighty-four percent of the intended corn acreage has been planted compared with 3 percent last year and 35 percent for the 5-year average. By area, 86 percent of the crop has been planted in the north, 83 percent in the central region and 83 percent in the south. Fifty percent of corn acreage has emerged compared with 1 percent last year and 12 percent for the 5-year average. Nationally 71 percent of corn acres have been planted and 32 percent has emerged.

Forty-eight percent of the intended soybean acreage has been planted compared with 0 percent last year and 10 percent for the 5-year average. By area, 52 percent of the soybean crop has been planted in the north, 45 percent in the central region and 46 percent in the south. Across the 18-state national area 24 percent of intended soybean acres are now planted.

Ninety-five percent of the winter wheat acreage is jointed compared with 68 percent last year and 75 percent for the 5-year average. Fifty-eight percent of the winter wheat acreage has headed compared with 7 percent for both last year and the 5-year average.

Winter wheat condition is now rated 75 percent good to excellent compared with 60 percent last year at this time.


Livestock are reported to be in mostly good condition at this time. Pasture condition is rated 74 percent good to excellent compared with 51 percent last year at this time.

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