Ethanol Production Numbers Reported

The Energy Information Administration reports that U.S. ethanol production averaged 904-thousand barrels per day – or 37.97-million gallons daily for the week ending June first. That is up 2-thousand barrels per day from the week before.  The 4-week average stood at 907-thousand barrels per day for an annualized rate of 13.91-billion gallons. Stocks of ethanol stood at 21.2-million barrels. Gasoline demand for the week averaged 363.2-million gallons daily.  Expressed as a percentage of daily gasoline demand, daily ethanol production was 10.45 percent. Year-to-date U.S. ethanol export data implies annualized export demand of approximately 900-million gallons.


On the co-products side, ethanol producers were using 13.707-million bushels of corn to produce ethanol and 101,744 metric tons of livestock feed, 91,794 metric tons of which were distillers grains.  The rest is comprised of corn gluten feed and corn gluten meal.  Additionally, ethanol producers were providing 4.16-million pounds of corn oil daily

Source: NAFB News Service

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