Seed Consultants Market Wrap Up with Gary Wilhelmi 7/2/2012


Mish mash trade in financials

Dow off a little and DAX up 1.2%

Crude $83.51

Gold $1599

ISM manufacturing weak at 49.7 from 53.5

May construction firm up .9 %?

French growth projected at just .4%

EU summit produces more promises to fight debt but little hard news

Talk of Fed stimulus is floating around again—but



Sluggish cattle trade

Heat hampers weight gains and consumption

Boxed beef up $ .63

Futures premium to cash

Hogs highest since 3-15

Week’s pork needs covered by large slaughter

Hog and Pig report neutral


Grain and soybeans

Extreme heat and little general rain drive’s the markets

Chicagohas had the driest June in 84 years

Hot and dry pattern looks locked in for at least another 10 days

Deterioration in corn and soybeans with a fresh measure due

Intense rationing as we head toward our first survey estimate in August

Early breakouts in wheat, corn and beans

Largest corn planting since 1937 but drought trumps acres

Corn yields could drop to 152 bushels and beans to 42 off the present pattern

Argentine crops in good shape thus far

Indiawill export wheat to Asian countries for the first time in 7 years and watch long term production

French wheat at new all time high


Boxed beef looking seasonally toppy

Cash needs firmed boxed demand

Hog and Pig Quarterly neutral

Cash call steady to lower

Margins remain deep in the red

Week’s pork needed covered

Few more corn acres and more beans are not the story as temp’s fire up!

Breakouts in corn, beans and wheat

Argentine crops in good shape


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