Seed Consultants Announces New Seed Treatment Option

 Seed Consultants, Inc. will offer EverGolTM Energy fungicide seed treatment on Supreme EX® brand soybean varieties for the 2013 growing season. EverGolTM Energy fungicide seed treatment from Bayer CropScience will allow Seed Consultants’ customers access to a state-of-the-art seed treatment fungicide.   This new seed treatment can provide long-lasting protection against Rhizoctonia as well as other fungal diseases. According to Matt Hutcheson, Product Manager for Seed Consultants, “EverGolTM Energy fungicide seed treatment will offer our customers increased seed treatment choices as well as improved protection against disease, ultimately providing enhanced crop growth and early season vigor.”  This improved early season growth will allow for more efficient use of water and nutrients by soybean plants.


EverGolTM Energy fungicide seed treatment provides protection against a broad spectrum of early season diseases through multiple modes of action, while incorporating a new mode of action.  The protection offered by this next generation technology contributes to uniform stand establishment and seedling development under disease pressure.


For more information about Supreme EX ® brand soybeans and EverGolTM Energy fungicide seed treatment, check out

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