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Stay Vigilant, Monitor Corn Rootworm Pressure

Last summer – the corn crop experienced more stress from the drought – resulting in small root masses and heavy corn rootworm pressure – but even in the cool, wet conditions most of the Midwest experienced this spring – corn rootworm is still possible. That’s why the National Corn Growers Association suggests farmers scout sooner rather than later – since August marks the peak of adult corn rootworm activity. Fields should be scouted for corn rootworm beetles regularly and sampled weekly. Farmers should randomly select 10 to 25 locations within the field and count the total number of beetles on at least two plants in each location – leaving the minimum number of plants sampled between 20 and 50.


In between beetle counts – farmers should collect beetles to determine the number of males and females in a sample. By scouting in-season, using the correct corn trait package and following appropriate crop rotation strategies – farmers can be effective in controlling corn rootworm, protect their personal crop investment and optimize yield.


Source: NAFB News Service