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NW Indiana Corn Yields Highly variable

NW Indiana Corn Yields Highly variable

David Cosgray

Harvest activity is moving north with a lot of  the early planted corn showing good yields.  In Northern Indiana, harvest is 16% completed. David Cosgray, agronomist with DuPont Pioneer, the early planted corn in NW Indiana is coming out of the field with good but not great yields, “Some guys are seeing the best yields they have ever had while other are just having good yields.” He told HAT there is some disappointment because the good growing conditions had fostered some very high expectations on yield.

The soybean harvest is just getting started, but some of the early yields are phenomenal. However, Cosgray says harvesting the soybeans is proving to be difficult because the plants got very tall, “I think the reason we saw the crop get so tall is because we had such good growing conditions; and, in areas with good soil fertility, the plants got really big and rangy.” He said some growers are only being able to run the combine in one direction because the crops are so tall and, in some cases, have lodged.

As for the later planted corn, that will not get harvested until after the soybeans. Cosgray is worried about stability, “There are a lot of issues out there, and I am really worried about how long this crop can stand in the field.” He said drydown is going well, with many fields down in the teens.

Listen to the complete report under the crops tag on the HAT website.