Corn vs. Soybeans Discussed at National Farm Machinery Show

Corn vs. Soybeans Discussed at NFMS 2018

As planting season draws nearer, many farmers are still making decisions on corn vs. soybeans and how to find cost savings. We caught up with Elston Sayers from Seed Consultants at the National Farm Machinery Show. He said that despite this tough ag economy, attitudes were overall very positive from farmers who passed through the Seed Consultants Booth. “I’m glad the grain markets have come up because that’s actually helped people’s attitude here a little bit. Really, it’s been a great show and a really upbeat show, a little more than I had expected.”

Sayers says that farmers are looking at seeds, fertilizer, and just about anywhere else to find savings in 2018. “They are looking under every rock and every tree this year.”

And when it comes to corn vs. soybeans for those last few acres, Sayers believes weather will be the deciding factor. “I think if we have a good, dry Spring, those acres are going to go to corn. If we have a wet spring and this thing drags out, I think those will switch to soybeans.”

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