Reducing Input Costs on Corn

Reducing Input Costs on Corn


With corn prices at very low levels, growers are trying to find ways to cut the cost of producing a bushel of corn. Two products from Dow AgroSciences can reduce costs, boost yields, and protect the environment — all at the same time.

Nitrogen stabilizers are not new; in fact, N-Serve has been on the market for over 40 years. Yet this old technology is finding new life in today’s corn market.  Brittany Loewen, Nitrogen Management Specialist with Dow AgroSciences, told HAT that growers need to watch the cost of every crop input this year, “That includes nitrogen. That is where N-Serve® and Instinct® nitrogen stabilizers can really pay off. We can extend nitrogen availability by 6 to 8 weeks which gives you maximum crop growth, better yields, and more profit.”

She recommends that, no matter when you apply your nitrogen, a stabilizer should be part of the mix, “Agronomically, it is beneficial to have a nitrogen stabilizer in your fertilizer application from fall through early side dress application. No matter what fertilizer source you are using or when you are applying, it is always best to have a stabilizer in there.” The key to maximizing your corn yields is to make sure you have the right amount of nitrogen when the crop really needs it. Loewen says that is where N-Serve and Instinct can really help boost yields, “Extending that nitrogen availability 6-8 weeks after application means it is going to be there when the plant really needs it in the V 10 stage.”

Another benefit to a nitrogen stabilizer is the environmental benefits it provides. “N-Serve® and Instinct® have been proven to reduce nitrate leaching by 16% and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 51%,” said Loewen. She  urged growers to speak up about how their farming operations are helping to improve the environment.

For more information on Instinct and N-serve, see your Dow AgroSciences representative.


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