New Tools to Help with Dicamba Use

New Tools to Help with Dicamba Use

Logan Grier, BASF Technical Marketing Manager,

BASF has launched the Engenia spray tool. Logan Grier, BASF Technical Marketing Manager, Product Stewardship, says the on-line tool will help growers plan their application and comply with the label regulations, “We created a resource for growers that has all of the Engenia herbicide weather-related label requirements in one place and supplements the many other tools applicators can use when planning their Engenia herbicide application this growing season.” She added these include: inversion potential, which compares the temperature at ground-level and two meters above the ground to provide the likelihood for an inversion; precipitation probability for the next 24 hours, which helps growers follow the 24-hour rain-free interval; time of sunrise and sunset, including a reminder that no nighttime spraying is permitted; and wind speed and direction. The free tool, available at, covers all U.S. geographies and incorporates key Engenia herbicide weather-related label restrictions and considerations for the next 36 hours, so applicators can plan ahead.

Greer says the tool should not be a substitute for checking weather conditions in the field yourself. She said it is also important to know what is being grown in the fields surrounding your field.

BASF has a number of other tools and resources to help growers manage this technology. To access additional Engenia herbicide stewardship resources, visit

Always read and follow label directions.

Engenia is a registered trademark of BASF.

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