Ryan Martin’s Indiana Ag Forecast for July 31, 2018

Rain chances continue today across the state. Yesterday we saw good rains and good coverage from US 24 southward, but north of there, an action was limited to mostly nonexistent. Today our coverage grows a little bit, and we see some northern showers, especially this afternoon. The substantial change to our forecast this morning is that we are keeping rain around through tomorrow as well. The wrap around action holds here and we can see an additional few hundredths to third of an inch over the state all through Wednesday. We do not see the clouds break until Thursday early morning. That means we can see combined rain totals today and tomorrow up to an additional .25-1” with 80% coverage. The map above shows updated rain totals through tomorrow night.


High pressure is still on track to park right on top of us on Thursday. Dry weather settles in then for Thursday through the weekend and finally next Monday. Temps remain cool in the short term but once we get on the backside of the high-pressure dome late this week and into the start of the weekend, we should see temps rebound to near normal for the start of next week. Sunshine will be dominant.


Our next system arrives next Tuesday and lingers into Wednesday. There is no change to our thoughts this morning. We have scattered showers for the 2-day period, and we still won’t rule out some stronger thunderstorms We are looking for .25”-1.25” and bumping coverage to 80%. The change in coverage comes from the system working in more from the NW and sweeping the front across the state. The best precipitation likely develops overnight Tuesday night through Wednesday. We return to dry weather for next Thursday.


The dryness extended into the 11-16 day long-term period. High pressure stays in control through the 11th and 12th. For the 13th we have scattered showers coming in from the west and they linger into the 14th. Rain totals will be mostly in the .25”-.75” range with coverage at 60%.  There is nothing here this morning that disrupts our “timely rains” summary of the next 2 weeks.


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