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Indiana River Friendly Farmers Nearing 1000


Forty-nine more Indiana farmers were honored recently as River Friendly Farmers, a program that brings together government agencies, agricultural organizations, Indiana Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCDs) and farmers to recognize farmers’ efforts protecting rivers, lakes, and streams in the state.

Jamie Scott is impressed with the number of honorees since the program started in 1999.

“We have over 900 so far and next year we should reach a thousand that we’ve recognized here in Indiana,” he said. “I think that’s a pretty good sized number when we look to the farmers in Indiana that we’ve been able to recognize for their good work.”

The state’s Soil and Water Conservation Districts nominate farmers employing everyday conservation management practices to improve soil health and water quality and restore and sustain human and wildlife habitat in Indiana’s watersheds. Scott says they deserve a pat on the back.

“Farmers in general and definitely people who are good stewards of the land don’t always take time to pat themselves on the back, and so our goal in this is to recognize them and give them some credit for what they’ve done. This is the best of the best that we have in Indiana. It’s a good group and they’re just being great stewards of the land.”

From Adams to Hendricks and Howard County, and from Posey and Knox to LaGrange County, farmers this year came from all over the state to receive their award from Lieutenant Governor Suzanne Crouch and Indiana Farm Bureau President Randy Kron.

The link to the recipients at the IASWCD website is here.

Scott is board president of the Indiana Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts.

(RFF group photo from IASWCD)