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ARC, PLC Safety Net Enrollment Now Open

Last week, the USDA announced that enrollment for Price Loss Coverage (PLC) or Agriculture Risk Coverage (ARC) is open.

According to John Newton, chief economist for the American Farm Bureau Federation, there have been improvements to both of the programs since the implementation of the 2018 farm bill.

“Most notable are changes in the reference price under PLC and some yield adjustments on ARC county,” said Newton. “Farmers need to crunch the numbers and have an opportunity to visit with their FSA office to sign up for this crop year and next crop year on ARC and PLC on a commodity-by-commodity basis.”

Newton said PLC is a price-based safety net, giving farmers support when the marketing year average price for a commodity drops below the reference price. ARC county is revenue-based.

If you want to enroll, producers have until March 2020 to make a decision.