Young Weighs in on USMCA and China at Fort Wayne Farmer Roundtable

Young Weighs in on USMCA and China at Fort Wayne Farmer Roundtable

Photo provided by Senator Young

Indiana Republican Senator Todd Young was in the Fort Wayne area on Wednesday where he held a roundtable discussion at Roemke Farms with owner Mark Roemke and other Indiana Farm Bureau members.

Young weighed in on trade, speaking about USMCA and the ongoing trade war with China. Young, again, pointed the finger at Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) for the delay in getting USMCA across the finish line. He told Hoosier Ag Today affiliate WOWO in Fort Wayne that she needs to bring it to the floor and persuade some of her more liberal members that this is for the good of the country.

“Concern about labor standards and the environment is not something I’m dismissive of. In fact, this free trade agreement provides greater labor and environmental protections than NAFTA did. So, that’s a great thing. That’s a win for the Trump administration. The problem is the goalpost keeps moving with respect to labor and environmental standards… it’s time to close this deal out.”

As for China, Young says, “They need to abide by the international standards of the World Trade Organization. They need to stop stealing our intellectual property. They need to open up their markets as the agreed to do. They need to stop dumping commodities and other things into America’s market.”

Young did add that we could use some help in that battle.

“Our trade partners, like Japan, like the Europeans, are also experiencing these things. So, why aren’t they helping us bring China into a position of better behavior?”

Face-to-face trade talks with China resumed yesterday in DC.

WOWO Farm Director Rob Winters contributed to this report.

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