Casteel: 2022 Could be ‘Stellar Year for the Double Cropper’

Photo: Hoosier Ag Today

We’ve focused a lot on corn and soybean planting progress lately, but winter wheat across the state is reaching a critical management juncture. In last week’s USDA Crop Progress Report, 64% of Indiana’s winter wheat was in good-to-excellent condition and 63% headed.

“So, right at that critical point of deciding whether we do any fungicide applications to prevent disease that might be developing,” says Purdue Extension’s Shaun Casteel on the Purdue Crop Chat Podcast, available now at

Casteel says that putting that fungicide application on is typically worth the investment, but with unknowns surrounding wheat exports in Ukraine due to the conflict there and poor wheat conditions due to dryness out West, it’s certainly worth it this year.

“You know, this crop is quite valuable when you think about the market price that’s out there…There’s a lot of work that’s already gone into this crop, and so the idea of saving, or protecting, what you’ve got is a wise investment. But then also consider the conditions. Are they favorable for Fusarium head blight or not? Then you can be judicious with your fungicide as well as economical.”

Especially in southern Indiana, Casteel says this could be a very profitable year for farmers who will double crop soybeans.

“In some years, we can get double crop beans that are up to the same yield level as first crop in southern Indiana. So, I think this could be a stellar year for the double cropper.”

Casteel is joined by Purdue Extension Corn Specialist Dan Quinn on the Purdue Crop Chat Podcast. They discuss more on wheat, corn and soybean planting progress and conditions, and when will be the best time to fly your drone. Find it now below!


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