Indiana Farmers are Encouraged to Enter the NCGA’s Corn Yield Contest

Photo courtesy: Barbara Hatton / National Corn Growers Association.

If you’re an Indiana corn farmer, you’re being encouraged to enter the National Corn Growers Association Yield Contest. However, the deadline for entering is this Wednesday, Aug. 17.

Lowell Neitzel is the Consumer Engagement Action Team Chair with the National Corn Growers Association.  He’s asking all corn farmers to participate.

“I want them to kind of be willing to show us what they can grow out in the field. I know this has been a very challenging year for everybody, whether it be too much rain or not enough, but I think we can come together and put our heads together, we can come up with some really good dataset and show everybody what the American farmer is capable of in adverse conditions,” says Neitzle.

He says he started participating in the contest because he believes it made him a better farmer.

“I started a couple years ago, and just being able to maybe see the results a little bit more clearer and see how that really affects my bottom line. And with inputs being so high right now, we’re trying to see where we can cut corners or if we can even cut corners. So, by using this as a more of a dataset for myself, this is really kind of opened my eyes to where I can add some spending or have to take some away to be the most profitable I can be,” according to Neitzle.

And, he says, it helps NCGA promote the hard work of the nation’s corn farmers.

“It helps us as it makes more people aware of the impact NCGA does for the average corn farmer, and I feel like it really helps them kind of showcase us as an American farmer, how we’re out here we are, you know, supplying the world with food, fiber and fuel. And it’s just a great way to get us out in front of the consumer,” says Neitzle.

All harvest forms will be due by Nov 30. Contest winners will be announced on Dec. 14.

Click HERE to enter the National Corn Growers Association Yield Contest.

Click BELOW to hear C.J. Miller’s report on the National Corn Growers Association Yield Contest.

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