Hoosier Ag Today Remains Most Listened to Farm Report in Indiana

Every two years, the Ag Media Research company surveys top farmers across the state. These telephone surveys ask working farmers about their radio listening habits. Year after year farmers report that radio is their primary source of timely, important, agricultural information. In the just released 2022 study, Indiana farmers again said the stations of Hoosier Ag Today were their daily choice for farm news, market, and weather information. As was the case in the 2020 and the 2018 studies, Hoosier Ag Today was ranked the number one broadcast source for Indiana farmers.
The 2022 study showed that Hoosier Ag Today radio programs reach 49% of all Indiana farmers — out-distancing their closest competitor at 39%. In key corn producing counties, HAT reaches 48.5% of corn growers; and in leading soybean producing counties, 48.3% of growers listen to HAT reports. Of those surveyed by AMR, 87% of farmers reported being regular listeners to their local radio station. With rural broadband in Indiana slowly improving, radio continues to dominate the dally media choices by top farmers.
While radio remains a top media choice, a variety of digital sources are becoming more and more popular with producers. The daily Hoosier Ag Today podcast has been growing in popularity and is now being downloaded every day by thousands who listen on their mobile devices. The daily Hoosier Ag Today e-newsletter reaches about 10,000 subscribers every morning with a 30% open rate.
“In 2006, we set out to build a brand that Hoosier farm families could rely on for timely, relevant, and credible information.  It is humbling to see that dream come true,” said HAT founder and CEO Gary Truitt. “It is also an awesome responsibility that the staff of Hoosier Ag Today takes seriously every day.”
About Hoosier Ag Today
Hoosier Ag Today was founded in 2006 for the specific purpose of serving the informational needs of the Hoosier agricultural community.  HAT currently has 75 radio stations broadcasting its programs. In addition, HAT operates a multi-media website, and publishes a daily e-mail newsletter. In 2008, 2010, 2012, 2016, 2018, 2920, and 2022, Hoosier Ag Today was rated the most listened to farm radio network in Indiana by Ag Media Research. In 2019 Hoosier Ag Today purchased Michigan Ag Today, a 16 station farm network serving the Michigan farm community. HAT is also part owner of the Indiana Farm Equipment and Technology Expo, held each December in the Indianapolis area.
Hoosier Ag Today is represented nationally by J. L. Farmakis, Inc.

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