23 Million US Jobs Due to Food and Ag Industries, Says Latest ‘Feeding the Economy’ Report

Liane Hart, CEO of Verility, uses the software she has developed to work with pork production facilities to test the fertility of pigs to increase pork production. Verility, Inc. is based in Hancock County, Indiana. Photo courtesy of Verility, Inc.

The U.S. food and agriculture industries are directly responsible for 23 million jobs according to the latest “Feeding the Economy” report, which was put together by 25 different food and ag groups.
“It certainly highlights the farm to fork nature of agriculture and that our reach is well beyond our fence rows,” says Veronica Nigh, Senior Economist with American Farm Bureau Federation. She says that report highlights the important role that agriculture plays as part of our overall economy.
“Overall, as we look across the United States, it shows that these industries are responsible for over $8.6 trillion of the country’s economic activity, which is nearly 20 percent, and directly support nearly 23 million jobs, which is 15 percent of U.S. employment,” according to Nigh.
The most surprising thing the report reveals is that the ten biggest counties across the U.S. that are impacted by agriculture are some of the most populated counties.
“For example, Los Angeles County, Cook County, Illinois—which are home to Los Angeles and Chicago—are the two largest counties in the United States impacted by agriculture. So, it really drives home the fact that all industries are linked to one another.”
Nigh says the data in the report is an excellent tool for agriculture, especially when discussing ag policy, like the 2023 farm bill, with your lawmakers.
“When we think about legislation that’s being considered in 2023, certainly when your legislator comes back into your district and wants to talk about things like the Farm Bill, it’s important to let them know how important agriculture is in every part of the United States,” says Nigh.”
Click here to download the “Feeding the Economy” report data for all 92 of Indiana’s counties.
Click below to hear C.J. Miller’s radio news report for Hoosier Ag Today.

Source: NAFB News Service.

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