Rapid GDU Accumulation in the Upcoming Forecast

Planting progress kicked up a bit across the state last week amid the warmup.
“We’re about 35% Complete with soybean planting, which doubles corn planting at about 18% throughout northeast Indiana,” says Pioneer agronomist Lance Shepherd. He adds that he’s not sure he’s ever seen that wide of a gap between corn and soybeans before.
The upcoming forecast has more warm temperatures and Shepherd believes plenty of corn and beans will get in the ground this week. There are periods of rain in that forecast though. I asked Shepherd if that was concerning.
“Not really, as long as we’re waiting for soil conditions to be fit and we’re not causing smear as we’re planting. To be frank, I’m not concerned at all on stopping before the rain event because it’s going to be a warm rain, high 60s, low 70s, and we’ve kind of moved out of that frost risk. So, planting all the way up to the rain now isn’t as big of a concern as it was back in the middle of April.”
Shepherd adds that GDU accumulation will be fast and rapid for crops planted this week.
“I would say within 10 days, on the current forecast, we could see corn and soybean emergence within 10 days or less. So, it’s going to be moving pretty rapidly once that seed is in the ground and imbibing water.”
Corn and beans planted in April are just now starting to break through given the lack of GDUs accumulated. Some farmers have been concerned about how long they’ve been in the ground. Shepherd says, from what he’s seeing, they’re going to be fine.
“In all reality, with as far as technology has come with our seed and seed treatment, those plants still look very healthy and have lots of vigor. And so, as of now, with emerging stands, I have not seen any concerns.”
To get in touch with your Pioneer representative, visit pioneer.com/FINDMYREP.

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