CRC Releases More Misinformation on E-15

The American Petroleum Institute held a press conference recently announcing data on E-15 from the Coordinating Research Council – which shows a lack of testing on the alternative fuel. However – Growth Energy CEO Tom Buis says this study is no surprise and is a classic example of he who pays the piper calls the tune. Buis says oil companies are desperate to prevent the use of higher blends of renewable fuels and have deep pockets in which to fund studies that he describes as incomplete and cherry picking. In fact – he says the truth is E-15 is the most tested fuel to date – with more than 6-million miles of testing by the Energy Department and more than 3-million miles run on the demanding race tracks of NASCAR without engine problems or damage.

Buis says the Energy Department actually rebuked the CRC’s original study on E-15 last year saying it failed to establish a proper control group, a standard component of scientific and data-driven testing, and a necessity to determine statistical significance for any results. E-15 is voluntary and provides consumers with savings and choice at the pump – Buis says – adding it’s time Big Oil gets out of the way of progress and supports a free, open marketplace for the consumers they claim to champion.


Source: NAFB News Service

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